
Polestar Pilates Comprehensive and Transition teacher training 

Polestar Pilates Comprehensive and Transition Teacher Training is offered twice per year in Chicago. This is an internationally renowned, professional education program geared towards individuals looking to become certified Pilates instructors.

Individualized Sessions

Individualized sessions are tailored to the needs and goals of the individual person and include information and work that can be done independently. Sessions can utilize Pilates, Oov, Runity run assessments or conditioning work, or myofascial release. Clients might utilize individualized sessions for ongoing health and wellness purposes or on an as-needed basis for consulting and ideas. For information on scheduling, rates, or location, please contact for more information. 

Virtual sessions over zoom are available on request.

In Person sessions are offered at River North Physical Therapy. Email for more information

Group Sessions

Group sessions are offered by request. Group sessions can include workshops, general movement sessions, or focused around a specific goal.